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iris_yagami (20)
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_lcapAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_voting_barAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_rcap 
Admin (4)
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_lcapAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_voting_barAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_rcap 
bolot (2)
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_lcapAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_voting_barAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_rcap 
kharinina (2)
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___-fadli-___ (1)
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_lcapAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_voting_barAdobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB I_vote_rcap 
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Jumlah posting : 20
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Join date : 16.07.10
Lokasi : Ini Medan Bung...!!!

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PostSubyek: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB   Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB EmptySat Jul 17, 2010 11:32 am

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB Cs5[img][/img]

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 software empowers designers and developers to build standards based websites with confidence. Work visually or directly in code, develop with your existing content management system like WordPress, Joomla!, or Drupal, and design productively with CSS inspection tools. Simplify advanced website development with integrated support for Subversion and custom PHP code hinting. Get fast and accurate browser compatibility testing, and test dynamic content thanks to integration with Adobe BrowserLab, a new Adobe CS Live online service.

Design complete websites in Adobe Fireworks and then export standards compliant CSS layouts, complete with external style sheets. Insert optimized graphics with roundtrip editing capabilities for faster, more accurate updates.

Design your site visually
Get a jump on creating standards based web pages with updated CSS based starter pages. Enable CSS Inspect in Live View and tweak your design visually to get just the right margin and padding.

Ensure cross browser compatibility
Test your pages in Adobe BrowserLab on multiple browsers and operating systems. Compare browser views solo, side by side, or onion skinned atop one another for pixel precise matching.

Integrate FLV video
Import any FLV file directly into Dreamweaver and quickly integrate a player skin of your choosing. Simply set options such as display size, autostart, and looping, and then your video is ready for the web.

Industry leading web development environment

Build standards based websites with the industry leading web authoring tool. Work visually or directly in code, design productively with CSS inspection tools, and develop with content management systems.

Adobe Creative Suite integration enhanced
Save time and reduce the number of steps required to complete projects with intelligent integration across Adobe Flash Professional, Fireworks, Photoshop Extended, and Adobe CS Live online services.* CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.

Integrated CMS support new
Enjoy authoring and testing support for content management system frameworks like WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal. Dynamically Related Files provides direct access to a pages related files, even for dynamic pages, and Live View Navigation offers accurate previews of dynamic applications.

Comprehensive CSS support enhanced
Design and develop websites with powerful CSS tools. Visually display the CSS box model without requiring separate utilities, and reduce the need to manually edit CSS code, even in external style sheets.

Intelligent coding assistance
Write clean code faster than ever. Take advantage of code hinting with HTML, javascript, and Ajax frameworks such as Spry, jQuery, and Prototype. Get direct insight into core PHP functions, methods, and objects with dynamic PHP code hinting.

Support for leading technologies
Design and develop in an environment that supports most leading web development technologies, including HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, javascript, Ajax, PHP, Adobe ColdFusion software, and ASP.

Site specific code hinting new
Benefit from code hinting on nonstandard files and directories in Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, enabling enhanced hinting support for third party PHP libraries and CMS frameworks such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla!.

Adobe BrowserLab integration new
Preview dynamic web pages and local content with multiple viewing, diagnostic, and comparison tools. BrowserLab is a new CS Live online service that quickly and accurately tests web content across web browsers and operating systems.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 11.0 + KeyMaker | 327MB Fig01








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